Within the Jedi Council chambers a
session is ending and members leaving.
JOLEE: Bastila, it's certainly good to see you.
BASTILA: Hello, Jolee. Congratulations on your advancement.
You duly earned the rank of Master. More so than any Jedi.
JOLEE: Oh, I wouldn't say that. But I can't say I'm going to
complain hearing it from you. Where might your husband be?
Vrook and Zhar pause in leaving.
JOLEE: Shoo. Shoo.
They continue on.
JOLEE: Bahhh!
Jolee observes Bastila watching them leave and she
glances down when she sees that he is watching her.
JOLEE: Will he not come to the Temple?
BASTILA: He thinks that it is the
best solution to keeping our arrangement.
JOLEE: Your husband asked me to take a place
on this Council. I anticipated working with
him here, not standing in his stead.
BASTILA: I know. I know. Oh, Jolee.
He has not been himself.
JOLEE: Does he remember more?
BASTILA: Little things. Not enough to be answers.
Just enough to taunt him. He has fixated on
the notion that there is something that
he is supposed to be doing.
JOLEE: That could be.
BASTILA: I am beginning to think that I may
have been foolish and married the Council's forgery.
I do not know Revan. I do not know the man he was.
JOLEE: Has he taken up the name, again?
BASTILA: No. But I think you suspect
the same thing I do. That it is only a
matter of time before he does.
JOLEE: On Rakata Prime, before we found you,
your husband told me that he would have
nothing more to do with the name.
Though, if what you say is true,
perhaps it is too long since I last saw him.
BASTILA: He asked me here to speak to you.
There is a mission that he is planning.
JOLEE: That will be fine.
Are you still located on Coruscant?
BASTILA: I will take you to him
when you are ready.
JOLEE: Let's not waste any time.
The taxi departs from the Temple landing platform
and journeys across the surface of the city. There is
much traffic, but a sparse amount of skyscrapers.
The Temple appears to be by far one of the tallest buildings.
The taxi lands on a five-story apartment complex and leaves.
In the living room Revan opens his eyes from meditation.
He rises with his back to them and smiles
enthusiastically before turning to greet Jolee.
REVAN: Jolee. So good to see you.
JOLEE: It's already been far too long.
You tricked me, you little womp rat pup.
Remember, I wouldn't be here breathing
these damnable fumes if it weren't for you.
REVAN: I know. I know. I'm sorry.
JOLEE: Sorry? The prodigal knight is sorry?
Bastila steps forward to intervene, but
Revan raises a hand with a smile and
holds it open there for her join him
to come to his side and stand together.
REVAN: It appears I overestimated my
popularity with the Council.
JOLEE: I wasn't quiet about it.
I told them that they shouldn't shun you.
But they don't listen to me on that point.
REVAN: I know. You're a good friend, Jolee.
JOLEE: Yeah, well... you'd think they would
have already shown me the door by now.
Ha! I think they suspect I'm bucking for exile
so they keep me around out of spite. Make me quit.
I'm not exactly an orthodox Jedi either, you know.
REVAN: But you are what the Jedi should be. You are
what I respect most in them. And I think that they can't
deny that. Stubborn as you are, you live by the code, Jolee.
While I still find I struggle with it.
JOLEE: Seems to be your afraid to live by it.
REVAN: That's alright, Bastila.
BASTILA: I asked you here to help us.
You're supposed to be our friend.
JOLEE: And what kind of friend would I be?
Look, Revan. You send your wife to the Temple
to represent your voice to the Jedi. While you
remain here in your home undergoing constant
meditation. You commune with the Cosmic Force
but are a stranger to the living.
REVAN: I need answers.
I'm desperate for them.
JOLEE: I'll give you one. The great prodigal knight
Revan-the-former has returned timid. You're afraid
of plunging the Order into another era of destruction.
So you cloister yourself and call it discovery. Well let
me tell you, you don't change anything about what
you've done by hiding away here.
Revan lets go of Bastila and sits.
REVAN: But what all have I done? I mean really, Jolee?
So much was lost to the Jedi Civil War.
So few remember or else so few understand.
How can I go on blindly as I am?
I must recover what is lost if I am
to amend any harm. That is my plan.
JOLEE: What are you proposing?
BASTILA: He wants to go back, Jolee.
Back as far to where this all began
for him and then maybe go from there.
JOLEE: Where?
REVAN: I found it. I found the Apocalypse.
JOLEE: That was destroyed by Malak.
And nearly you with it.
BASTILA: Initial scans show much
of the wreckage intact.
JOLEE: And you're planning on
going back... to there?
REVAN: And I'd rather not go alone.
Bastila takes his hand.
JOLEE: Son, there are a galaxy of people
to whom you might attempt to offer healing.
Beware this path you intend to embark upon.
You will only find darkness there, again.
What answers are there for you to find?
REVAN: My memories. The reason for my fall.
No justifications, no excuses, just the reason.
We could find out what happened to Malak
and I in the unknown regions.
JOLEE: Simply more of what happened
before you went there.
REVAN: I'm not convinced of that.
BASTILA: We might even learn the secret of how
to stop Jedi from falling.
JOLEE: Look where you step.
Bastila and Revan look at each other, she sits
and Revan wraps an arm around her.
REVAN: We're going, Jolee.
BASTILA: No offense, but we're not
just asking you. We want all our
friends to come with us.
REVAN: What say you?
JOLEE: I guess I know just the passage
we're going to use to get there.
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