The Rakatan Elders had not played this music in a millennia. Not even when the savage tribes were turned away at their gates, for that was no conquest. This was the song of victory. Though, it has been changed for this occasion with this late addition.
Glorious, glorious, glorious! We are rid of our great sin.
Their generous spirit extended to inducting the Rakatan's champions, the Republic, so that new musicians might join the song. This time of change entailed talk of formal admittance into the Republic, advanced by Admiral Dodonna. Also, the Elders pledged to missionary to the savage tribes the new age that had dawned for them. With the dampening field now deactivated they might reclaim the best of what they had left behind.
The pounding waves of renewed vitality of the Force on this world pummeled Jolee just within the entrance of the enclave. Vandar walked on without him to mingle with the Jedi Council.
JOLEE: Hmph. Don't pretend you're not
overwhelmed too, master.
I'm not ashamed to admit it.
Juhani approaches him.
JUHANI: The invigoration. Our storming of the Forge
left me exhausted at times. Not surprising, really.
Except, the depths seemed so endless. I thought that
we might never reach our objective. That we
never would have reached Bastila.
JOLEE: Ha. We nearly didn't.
JUHANI: Yes. I am most grateful that
you were there at my side, Jolee.
JOLEE: You weren't so bad yourself, kid.
JUHANI: What will you do at
the end of the war, Jolee?
JOLEE: Well...
JUHANI: I know it is a little bit early to be
talking about such things. But the Sith have
been robbed of their greatest assets. I find it hard
to believe that we are not nearing the end of our journey today.
JOLEE: What are your aspirations
for the end of the war, Juhani?
JUHANI: I would like to become a teacher.
I have learned such a great deal in so short
amount of time. It is only right that I should
prepare apprentices for what they might have
to face. The galaxy is filled with
more dangers than the Sith.
JOLEE: If that's what you discovered then I'd say
you have learned a lot, Juhani. You will make some
lucky younglings an excellent teacher.
This has been a trial for us all.
JUHANI: And you, Master Bindo?
JOLEE: Me? I'm a hermit. Plenty crabby, too.
Who needs all those younglings dancing around
under foot? Bagh! I'd say you're far braver
than you know to take on such a task.
JUHANI: I consider it a far more pleasant
change of pace to watching the Mandalorian.
JOLEE: Ha. Children with sabers.
I'll take a man like Canderous any day.
JUHANI: I misplaced him during the celebration.
I have been watching over Canderous to make sure
he stays out of trouble with the Republic. Though, I am
disquieted by the fact that I share his jovial demeanor.
JOLEE: Embrace this experience, Juhani.
This was a true enemy that we beat today.
JUHANI: Thank you for your vote
of confidence in me, Master Bindo.
JOLEE: And you can stop calling me that.
JUHANI: Fair well.
Jolee is once more in a position to observe the room and witnesses Revan arbitrating a disagreement over setting up a bar too near a shrine. Jolee proceeds to levitate the table, which remains level so that none of the bottles spill.
When it comes to rest one bottle tips over
and Jolee catches it just before it hits the ground.
Revan laughs, speaks a little bit more
to the Rakatan who leaves amiably.
REVAN: A toast, Jolee?
JOLEE: Don't mind if I do.
Jolee pours a drink for Revan
and takes the bottle for himself.
JOLEE: Ha. Might as well. I doubt that
I could fly the Hawk sober. Been too long for it.
REVAN: Has the Council
approached you with the proposal?
JOLEE: That was you?
I had my credits on Bastila.
REVAN: Well?
JOLEE: You trying to get rid of me, sonny?
You'll drive this crew to go their separate ways
sooner than a Bantha grows hair.
REVAN: I thought we could go together.
Jolee chokes on his drink.
JOLEE: Together? My boy...
you want a seat on the Council?
REVAN: They are looking
favorably upon me.
JOLEE: Well, congratulations. You don't need an old codger
like me cramping your style. I might be tempted,
just to watch you make Master Vandar's ears twitch. Ha!
REVAN: So you'll consider it?
JOLEE: Yeah. I'll... I'll consider it. Is that what
you wanted to hear? Maybe now we can get
this celebration underway. You'd think those Republic
senators would know a thing or two about
throwing a party. Can't imagine much
else they have time for.
Jolee starts to wander off and is met by the
same young woman who he saw earlier leave
the decoration ceremony with Mission.
SOLDIER: Are you Mr. Bindo?
JOLEE: Sounds about right.
SOLDIER: I understand you used to live
in the shadowlands of Kashyyyk and
liberated the Wookiees of Czerka there.
Jolee glances back at Revan who
raises a glass to him.
JOLEE: Why yes I did, young lady. Of course, you understand,
I did have a lot of help from the Wookiees.
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