also the Fan Canon, Untold Told, and Off Hours

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Scene 2: The Tower

The small black transport slides gently and quickly deeper into the solar system it has intruded upon.  Already, a bustling and vibrant planet comes into view with a complex cityscape covering the whole of the surface.  In three places there are what might have been oceans, but now are completely landlocked (and closer inspection would probably reveal further infrastructure even amidst the seas).

There is a small moon in low orbit over the planet.  It does not appear to have an atmosphere of its own, but is similarly industrialized to manufacture living space on the surface and digs down into the interior.  The surface structures are spread low over the surface in a snowflake pattern.  At the moment, the moon crests from the dark side of the planet.  Kanon and Ellan proceed toward the day side while continuing to sit sealed within the cockpit.

ELLAN:  I found the name of the ship.
It's called the Shadow's Heart

KANON:  That's strange.
How about we call it the Fortune?

ELLAN:  Do you have a name for
this planet we're headed to?

KANON:  The capital of the Republic.
A city made of nothing but alleyways.
The brightest center of the galaxy in trade
and fertile crescent of crime: Janriel.

ELLAN:  None of that is true.

KANON:  It might as well be.
I guess the Republic got tired of
how much influence came from here.
That must be why they quarantined it.

ELLAN:  Have you been here before?

KANON:  I only ever pass through here.
But I know my way around.  
We'll find somewhere to lay low.

The Shadow's Heart begins the descent into the atmosphere.  And the planet rotates so that they disappear from view.  On the dark side of the planet, with full view of the moon, there is a high narrow tower that reaches far enough outside the atmosphere for an unobstructed view of space.

The tower is impossibly simple.  The observatory of the tower is a massive chamber with a circle of windows.  The floor does not touch the walls, but instead is a rounded platform with a long walkway that leads away from the chamber.  This long walkway, down a narrow hallway (with more windows for the ceiling) divides between two stairways that follow the curve of the tower.  And there are no other rooms for the length of the tower; just the stairs.  The stairs periodically intersect at landings.

At one such landing, halfway up the tower, there is an old woman gazing up at the observatory.  Her wrinkles are slight, but her hair is stark white.  As the only source of light, the outline of the platform and walkway are reminiscent of a key hole.  She looks away to continue up the steps.

Thunder claps and she glances up while continuing her ascent and witnesses the formation of dark clouds, which contain blue flashes of light within, but do not release any stray bolts.  She rolls her eyes and looks down again to watch her footing. 

When she nears the top there is a black barrier in her way.  A stretch of the hand and her hood bristles from the gust of wind that is produced.  And she sustains this gale until standing safely at the center of where the walkway bridges off between the two sets of stairs.  The obsidian phantoms moan and wail, but are confined to the space between the walkway and wall.  The lightning is localized to the chamber.  She marches on, but the dark shadows have formed a hurricane within the chamber with a lone figure standing at the eye of the storm.

The old woman stands there, stoic, but confounded.  One stray shadow grows bold enough to take a vaguely human shape and menaces her with a thundering growl.  This entity represents a genuine threat, but she remains unmoved.

ABBESS:  I will speak with you, Samael.

She extends a finger and draws it close to the hurricane wall.  Before they touch, the shadows abruptly burst into flame, which only creates a doorway large enough for her to step through.  On the other side, smoke rises from her robes as there are stray places where they were singed.  The doorway collapses behind her almost immediately.  Minor flames carried elsewhere in the hurricane are extinguished before the wall of dark energy subsides and forms in a pool around the open space of the chamber.

SAMAEL:  I no longer require your counsel, Abbess.

ABBESS:  You are disturbed, Samael.
What is this familiar presence
that has returned to you?

SAMAEL:  I had thought my Shadow's Heart was lost.
I should have known that the blockade
would be unable to keep it away.

ABBESS:  The Shadow's Heart?  A... prophetic name
from the time you were still among the Order.

SAMAEL:  Do not remind me of such things, Abbess.

ABBESS:  It's far too late for that.
You have grown complacent.
Our enemies surround us.
And you confine your
energies to this place.

SAMAEL:  I control Janriel. 
From here I can save the Republic.

ABBESS:  Your reign has ended, I'm afraid.
The Shadow's Heart is proof of this.

SAMAEL:  I could not foresee its survival.
Nothing has changed.

ABBESS:  Everything has changed.
Your enemies now know they
can reach you.  Soon, the 
Republic will be at war.

SAMAEL:  Recover the Shadow's Heart.

ABBESS:  You are not listening to me-

SAMAEL:  I have, Abbess.  I must learn
where the Heart has been in my absence.

ABBESS:  Our enemies have gathered.
We cannot remain here.

SAMAEL:  I was always going to face them,
in time.  My enemies are no closer
than before the Heart arrived. 
And there are strangers aboard it.

ABBESS:  They are of no consequence.

SAMAEL:  Precisely.  The better to take possession of it.

ABBESS:  I do not support this decision of yours.

SAMAEL:  You are free to depart
from my presence, Abbess.

ABBESS:  I will not abandon you to
the ignorant galaxy.  I will have
the Heart delivered to you.

She turns and marches away from the chamber.  Slowly, the black shadows advance in her wake.  The wall around the walkway is consumed and follows her down the wall along the stairs.  The old woman reaches the first landing.

SAMAEL:  Too soon, my teacher.
This is all happening too soon.
All may be lost.

ABBESS:  You are ready, Samael.
There is nothing new to teach you.
All that remains are the consequences.

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