also the Fan Canon, Untold Told, and Off Hours

Sunday, August 4, 2019

(Untold Told) If The Dathomir Wore Tweed


If the Dathomir wore tweed then there would be far less to see.

For it would be that Sidious would never venture there
in all the years of planning he could not see
any warrior at all worth having.

And so too Ventress could stay.

None would trespass in all their days.

Many more children would there be.
And could it be that Maul and Ventress
might find blissful matrimony?

From dear, dear Mother Talzin they would fly
in order to leave the great clone wars behind.

To Coruscant I think they would go
for there are already many, many
families there trying to grow.

And arriving in their tweed as refugees
there is a great big world and
far too little open for them to see.

Though the center of many troubles,
far they now are from droids and clones,
and those same masters of the Jedi art.

A less suitable candidate did Sidious find
so that Qui-Gon emerged from Naboo all fine.

And so ready to train young Anakin was he
that away from the academy did he lead thee.

Why should this matter concern our tale?

For when the Chancellor took advantage and Emperor became,
Master Qui-Gon's training turned to young Anakin's gain.

But before this all could finally come to pass
Maul entered service at the imperial palace.

And one day he accidently lost his oh so fine tweed
that then did Palpatine learn of what he could be.

The vile Sith Lord divined a sense of his power
and decided upon the hour for to train this
wayward son before him.

This son of Dathomir who was so much affrighted.

But the end of this tale ought to be a happy one this day.

For Qui-Gon returned wise to this and said
that Maul could again tweed his head.

Then did Sidious once more no longer want him.
And Anakin showed Sidious what
dabbling in the dark side got him.

And strange enough as it may seem
the whole of the Republic became
a sea of tweed.

And who can make war in such a state?

Oh, I forgot.  The Yuuzhan Vong
will come at a later date.

So for Maul at least
this can be a happy time.

Please do not ask of me
to do another rhyme.

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