also the Fan Canon, Untold Told, and Off Hours

Saturday, December 14, 2019

(Asking Too Much) Co-Existence With The Magog

Rev Bem is the singular example of the exception that proves the rule.  When he encounters his own kind again the Wayist turns ferrel, but ultimately fights for his crew in the end.

His daily living includes eating fish because apparently his digestive system refuses to kick in without the act of killing the food first.  And so we have one of our leading hurdles if Magog were to become daily denizens of polite society.  All food must be fresh.  Given the alternative it's really not that bad of a trade off.

The real problem comes in their manner of procreation.  To my knowledge there is no such thing as a female magog.  They must all lay their eggs in hosts and the young will feed on their host as they eat their way out of the body.  What remains unclear to me is if Magog must lay their eggs in sentient beings.  Of course, that is a non-starter if they truly must.  However, imagine for a moment if Magog could make an incubator out of a cow or some such.

If the forgoing suggestion is biologically possible for the Magog then all that remains is their instinct for the hunt.  Rev Bem exemplifies the possibility that such an instinct can be resisted, but then even he sued to a quest for to become a more evolved Magog and was transfigured.

Whereas the psychological disciplines perport to wrestle with the long old caveman, what do we do with the very present beastly personality represented by the Magog?  I understand the first religious Magog required a priestly host from birth and thus the Way was formed.  Ideally enough, even if the Magog were not about to take up being civilized on mass they at least have Wayism, which was founded by a Magog and therefore has a bit of proof that it in a word: works.

Obviously this entire suggestion is cutting against the grain and the Magog at large are more likely to be more like the 2002 Time Machine Morlock; where without the intellectual cast they will deplete the food supply; in the Magog's case, without the restraint of Andromeda's Abyss puppet master.

I'm merely optimistic that without the Abyss' influence that some Magog might be reached whereas almost none could be free individuals in his presence.

I'm just saying we'd probably have an easier time
living with a reformed Magog than a civilized Nightsider.

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