NARRATOR: Darth Tyrannous revealed. The Jedi have learned
the origin of their clone army and know that it was
supplied by their hated enemy... Count Dooku.
Quinlan Vos has come before the Council and accepted
a commission of clones for his command. His inexplicable
willingness to trust the clone worries the Council
regarding his motives. But the solitary Jedi has
already cut a huge swath through the Separatist lines.
Three Republic cruisers drive ahead at flank speed
in the midst of a gauntlet of Separatist warships that have
split into two columns to allow the Republic to pass
between them and receive the full brunt of their broadsides.
CLONE 1: We're surrounded.
CLONE 2: They're attempting to
dip below our firing line, sir.
VOS: Engage the trap.
CLONE 2: All cruisers, triangle formation.
NARRATOR: The three cruisers pivot so that each
command bridge tower is facing toward
the center of their formation. Then the entire
formation rotates in concert at a constant speed.
This leaves their underside facing toward the enemy
while giving the cruiser next to them a firing arc
to attack whomever is hitting them. All available
fighters fly in tight formation at the front to screen
for enemy fighters. The cruiser formation forges
ahead without attempting to destroy their adversaries.
CLONE 2: One minute to the jump point.
VOS: Send the bombers ahead of us.
Soften up the enemy before we arrive.
CLONE 2: Sir, they'll have to leave our
flak cover and will get cut to pieces!
VOS: It was not a suggestion.
CLONE 2: Yes, sir. All bomber squadrons launch for final target.
NARRATOR: The cruiser launch bays buzz with activity and soon
the Y-wings scream from the long runways into the
depths of space where a wall of bursts of light are
the only real protection they have. And dread creeps
into the pilots' minds as they approach this wall
of destruction; not because it will cause their demise.
Their brother gunners are good. But because they are
soon to venture beyond it to go it alone.
And no clone is any good alone.
CLONE 1: They're beyond the flak.
CLONE 3: Enemy fighters responding.
CLONE 2: Permission to divert the escort to give them some fighter cover.
VOS: (sigh) Only until they jump. They must continue to fly cap for the cruisers.
CLONE 2: Yes... sir.
The Y-wings go to hyperspace.
In the turn of a clock wheel
the cruisers jump into the system.
VOS: Report.
CLONE 1: No sign of the Y-wings.
VOS: That is to be expected.
CLONE 1: Sir?
VOS: What is the enemy disposition?
CLONE 2: Three Lucrehulks separated at the furthest points of a triangle formation. Two of them are facing directly at us while the third currently protects the dark side of the planet. And each Lucrehulk is supported by a dozen frigates and two command ships.
VOS: Skim the atmosphere to be showing the blockade our underside. Come under the blockade currently to our right and lock forward weapons on the one to our left. All dorsal weapons are to begin strikes on the surface. Launch gunships and fighters to attack the blockade above us and deploy troop transports in tandem with the planet bombing.
CLONE 2: That... is one bold strategy, general.
VOS: Get to it.
CLONE 2: Yes, sir!
Friction heats up the command towers and then
the rest of the cruisers so that they can slide in
under the fire of the first blockade formation
and fire on the second. The turbolasers set
the surface of the planet ablaze and amidst
this fiery rain the troop ships fall with them.
The clones are rocked by a tremor
traveling up the spine of the cruiser.
CLONE 1: Shields are failing! Where is the general?
CLONE 2: He boarded one of the landing craft!
NARRATOR: Vos emerges from his tank in time to be momentarily blinded
by a new sun in the atmosphere that then is overshadowed by
debris splitting off from the unmistakable wedge design.
CLONE 4: The crusier. We have nowhere to fall back to.
VOS: Have the transport drop ships begin further strikes on Dooku's estate.
CLONE 4: Sir, we'll not survive this.
VOS: I am more interested in seeing that Dooku doesn't survive this.
Are you ready to end the war, trooper?
CLONE 4: Sir, yes sir!
VOS: Forward!
Dooku's Chambers
DOOKU: My lord, the Republic has penetrated all our carefully laid defenses.
How is it that we did not know of this attack?
SIDIOUS: Your carelessness has revealed your true identity to the Jedi.
This attack was not sanctioned through proper channels, but
that little matters now. If the Jedi recover a victory from your
demise the public will little care how many clones were lost.
DOOKU: Am I then to abandon my command center and deny them the justification?
SIDIOUS: You will confront the rogue Jedi Quinlan Vos. Just this sort of bold action
is not something we can allow to be inspired in the Jedi and still hope
to survive. You will overcome him. And then you shall take hold of the
unique opportunity this presents us. In the aftermath of your hard-won
victory you shall publicly decry the Jedi's wanton loss of life in order
to get to you. You shall declare the clones the victims that they are
at the hands of this Jedi and cast him no different than the rest.
Then shall the Jedi all the sooner fall from grace.
DOOKU: As you wish, master.
NARRATOR: It is then that Vos comes through the door.
The door seals behind him as the clones continue to fight.
DOOKU: Welcome to Serenno.
NARRATOR: Dooku presses a button on his desk and
a camera bot flickers to life.
VOS: Useless clones couldn't hit a target as big as this from orbit.
I had to come and finish it myself.
DOOKU: I have come to mark them as valiant members of the Republic.
VOS: They are all your creation!
DOOKU: Indeed. Strange that the Council did not see fit to reveal this
to the senate. Secrets like this are a massive weakness for the Republic.
VOS: Jedi died through your machinations. No more.
DOOKU: Jedi? Are these the only deaths you can think of?
What of the clones that carried you here?
VOS: I merely turned a weapon of your own making back on to you.
DOOKU: A pity that their deaths shall be remembered so poorly. For the clones under your
command did live. I feel them, still. It is far more ethical the use of droids.
VOS: Neither offer security to citizens.
DOOKU: That depends on whose citizens you fight for.
I fight for the Separatists.
VOS: For the Republic!
NARRATOR: Lightsabers clash and both combatants produce a sustained repulse barrier
so that it becomes a struggle for either to approach the other for a strike.
This is more Vos' doing and Dooku responding in kind, and much more
than what the old Sith-spit would rather strain himself with. Vos is relying
on his ability to endure and is a means to exhaust the well-versed dualist.
Their blades cross and probe for strikes at one another, but Dooku's
defenses remain strong. Then, Dooku notices a marked drain to his power.
DOOKU: What sorcery is this?
VOS: The dark side is not the Force, count.
DOOKU: Vaapad. Your tricks will not save you, Vos.
He cuts off Dooku's hand
VOS: Skywalker will appreciate your contribution.
NARRATOR: Dooku's shock soon boils in his jaw and up to his eyes into rage.
And with one good hand he produces lightning into the body
of the overconfident Jedi who had put his lightsaber aside
on his belt. Unmercifully, Dooku electrifies Vos.
Clone troopers pour into
Dooku's command center
Dooku retreats.
CLONE 4: You almost had him, sir.
VOS: We can't let him get away.
CLONE 4: Sir, my men are severely depleted. And the Republic doesn't even
know we need help. We have to get a message out.
VOS: I will go after Dooku. Put a team to work getting a message out to the
proper channels. The rest of you start sabotaging the shuttles off this planet
by any means available to you.
CLONE 4: Yes, sir.
VOS: Dooku will not survive this.
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